string(4) "/tmp" Beta | La Rioja Plant La Rioja Plant – [EN] Beta
    • 13 NOV 15

    La Rioja Plant

    Is considered one of the most important manufacturing plants in the country

    • A 4000- m2 campus, located in the province of La Rioja, is considered one of the most important manufacturing plants in the country.Tablets, capsules, creams, gels, transdermal systems and liquid dosage forms are manufactured and packaged in this manufacturing plant.
      It has blistering, packaging, bulk and finished product production facilities.Nowadays, the company has over 160 employees and an output of
      1, 200, 000 units per month.
      The non-hormonal transdermal facilities of this manufacturing plant was audited by German Health Authorities (European Union) where transdermal systems which are exported to Europe are manufactured.